Content Moderation

Any post created by User will not be available to the public unless the Site Administrator approves the posts.

Content Moderation has the following Life cycle model.

1. Author has to create the posts. It can be Articles, Code examples etc.
2. Once the content in created, it will be in un-published mode which means, Site users (ie., Anonymous Users) cannot be able to view this post.
3. Authors can view and edit the content of the post if needed. Posts will be waiting in Queue for approval by Site moderators or Administrators.
4. Site Administrators will verify the authenticity and originality of the content. If the content seems to have copy righted information or copied from external sources and if it fails the Terms and Conditions then the content will be kept in un-published mode.
5. The respective Author will be notified with the above findings. Upon changing the content of the posts by the Author, it will be approved and made available to public.

Note: If the Authors violates Terms and Conditions as described in step #4 and happens repeatedly, then the Author account will be blocked from using
